NEW OFFICERS 2024-2026

  • Co-Presidents: Lisa DeRitter and Fran Gialanella
  • First Vice President: MJ Palmer
  • Second Vice President: Fran Janusko
  • Treasurer: Judy Phillips
  • Recording Secretary: Donna Mahar
  • Corresponding Secretary: Linda Hibbert
  • Federation Secretary: Maria Dorsey

The GFWC Vernon Township Woman’s Club is an all-volunteer service organization comprised of compassionate women who share a commitment to helping others.  We call ourselves a “giving club” because we give whatever we can, whenever we can.  Our club genuinely adheres to the philosophy upon which it was established in 1972: “To live is not to live for one’s self alone; let us help one another.”

Our Members

We are women of all ages, in all stages of life, living in Sussex County, NJ, in Vernon Township and many surrounding towns.  As dedicated volunteers, we consistently make positive contributions in our local community, across the country and around the world.  We brighten the lives of students, families in need, soldiers and veterans, social service agencies, nursing home residents and many other segments of the population through a wide range of ongoing programs.

Each member gains personal satisfaction knowing that it truly is better to give than to receive.  Coming together with the desire to make the world a better place also brings enrichment to our own lives, as we form wonderful friendships along the way.

Our Meetings

Our monthly meetings feature guest speakers, social activities and/or hands-on projects.  We convene at 6:30 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of the month from September through June; our November and December meetings are usually one week earlier due to the holidays.  The meetings are held at the Vernon Senior Citizens’ Center, 21 Church Street, Vernon. 

Come to a meeting as our guest for a first-hand look at how we change the world, one kind deed at a time.

Our Affiliations This non-profit 501(c)(3) organization falls under the Highlands District of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs (NJSFWC), representing 200 clubs statewide.  We are also a member of the Greater Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC), one of the world’s largest women’s volunteer organizations boasting an amazing 80,000 members.